Quantum Compound (QCOMP) – Stealth Launch

We have some good news to share that we think you will appreciate! We decided to relaunch. A decision was made to stealth launch to make QCOMP open to the world with no presale. This provides much more exposure for the public to participate. In addition, it also provides an opportunity to protect our investors by reducing malicious bots from being configured in advance that could potentially cause investments to have higher volatility. These actions facilitate stability of the coin. 

We are very excited and completely committed to seeing a successful stealth launch in October 2024! 

Join our community on Telegram right away to know exactly what time we will be going public: https://t.me/quantumcompound. We will update the Telegram board real time as it unfolds. And as soon as we put out the message when we go public expect some really good things to happen.

Put your seat belts on and be ready and when the time comes, (his group will be in the first in the know. For new investors we provide a page for you to make it really simple to get in when launched: https://quantumcompound.com/buy-qcomp-crypto-coin/.


Quantum Dev